Best Kindergarten To Play And Learn

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Why Choose us

What We Teach

At Mooland our mission is to provide affordable, high-quality early education and childcare services for working families to ensure our future generation has all the opportunities they need to become tomorrow's leaders .


We teach reading, writing, numbers and life skills, preparing our little ones for primary school.


We have fun with arts, music, dramatic play, and story time to develop creativity.


We focus on developing fine motor skills, social responsibility and independence.


We also have loads of outdoor fun to release all our energy and get some fresh air.

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Active Students
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Active Teachers

About Us

We're Redefining Early Child Care Education

We provide care for all children regardless of race, gender or economic status. We are operating under the philosophy that children need to be treated with warmth and respect.

Best Learning

All our teachers are qualified and registered childcare workers.

Nutritious Food

A healthy diet ensures developing minds have all the nutrition they require.

our programs

What we Offer

Our children engage in a variety of activities designed to help them develop social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills.

Toddler Programs

(Age: 1 - 2 Years)

Soluta platea irure rem tristique lorem nonummy fugit cras minim.

Class Fees:

$3500.00 / Per Month

Preschool Programs

(Age: 2 - 6 Years)

Soluta platea irure rem tristique lorem nonummy fugit cras minim.

Class Fees:

$3000.00 / Per Month


(Grades 1-3)

Soluta platea irure rem tristique lorem nonummy fugit cras minim.

Class Fees:

$800.00 / Per Month

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Eiusmod eget sem suscipit illo magni molestie nostrum conubia nostrud, porta consequatur dolor potenti pharetra nulla dictum illo primis.